
Find out the DO's and DON'Ts of 2024 to make the best year yet!

Do you want to make 2024 the best year yet?


There are things (5 to be exact) you absolutely shouldn’t do this year and 5 very important must’s you should follow so you don’t find yourself at the end of the year with regret of what could have been.

You hold the power in your hands to manifest the best year when you integrate these 10 important steps.


Find out the DO’s and DON’Ts of 2024 and make sure you’re doing all the right things.


Get a recording of an on-line event with Tjaša Dorelay and ACTIVATE 2024!


In the ACTIVATE 2024 on-line event you will receive:

Kdo je Tjaša Dorelay?

Tjaša Dorelay is a channeling medium that brings you spot on clarity on how to become the leader of your life by raising your vibration to manifest your best life.

She is a 3 times bestselling author, with her new book SOURCE CHANNELING FOR THE WORLD 2024 that just came out, and a profound speaker whose sold out events in the biggest venues are transforming millions of lives all over the world.

Kot medij deluje že 15 let in je razvila avtorsko metodo kanaliziranja Celestial Inspiration. Na svojih tečajih kanaliziranja je naučila kanalizirati več kot tisoč ljudi.

Z njo lahko sodeluješ preko spletne šole Oracle Membership, kjer mesečno predaja znanje o zavestnem načinu življenja in deli jasnost, ki jo kanalizira iz duhovnega sveta.

Follow her on Instagram @tjasadorelay or on her Website

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