IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 0 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 1 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 2 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 3 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 4 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 5 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 6
IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 0 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 1 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 2 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 3 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 4 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 5 IXIA Luxury Jewelry – Gold Medallion with Diamonds 6

IXIA Luxury Jewelry - Gold Medallion with Diamonds

🇬🇧 The exclusive edition of IXIA Luxury Jewelry for the activation of leadership light codes and the full power of manifestation. You are precious. Treat yourself to an IXIA Gold Medallion with Diamonds and anchor your greatness. Your IXIA medallion will be hand-crafted especially for you, in Slovenia. Place your pre-order no later than April 22, 2025, and ensure that this precious piece of jewelry is yours. (The number of pieces produced is limited.)   🇸🇮 Ekskluzivna izdaja luksuznega nakita IXIA za aktivacijo svetlobnih kod voditeljstva in polno moč manifestacije. Dragocen si. Podari si zlat medaljon IXIA z diamanti in zasidraj svojo veličino. Tvoj medaljon IXIA bo ročno izdelan posebej zate, v Sloveniji. Oddaj svoje prednaročilo najkasneje do 22. aprila 2025 in si zagotovi, da bo ta dragocen kos nakita tvoj. (Število izdelanih kosov je omejeno.)  



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    Luxury Jewelry IXIA– Gold Medallion with Diamonds

    ushers the activation of leadership light codes and the full power of manifestation into your life.


    The IXIA Gold Medallion is made of high-quality gold, whose vibration brings an infinite flow of abundance into your life and activates your full power of embodiment.

    The IXIA Gold Medallion is adorned with 24 precious diamonds that anchor the light of your core star into your life and increase your power to manifest everything you choose to experience in this life.

    The relief of the IXIA Gold Medallion represents the structure of planet Earth and grounds all your visions onto this planet.

    There is also an apatite crystal embedded in the IXIA Gold Medallion. Apatite connects all your dimensions of existence and enables you to shift your consciousness onto a new timeline of your life.


    In the center of the IXIA Gold Medallion is the Ixia Matrix which anchors an infinite flow of consciousness onto planet Earth, raises vibration, and empowers the leaders of this world.


    The symbol creates a perfect vibrational alignment of all your seven bodies and brings the activation of light codes into your life.

    It activates a powerful shift in your consciousness and positions you into your center of personal power and unconditional love.

    It reminds you that your vibration creates your situation.

    It brings an infinite flow of love, vitality, and abundance into your life and activates the light part of your DNA helix.

    Jewelry with the Ixia symbol invites you to raise your awareness and manifest the best life for yourself, through dedication to your spiritual practice of listening to channeled meditations and integrating channeled clarity from the Celestial Realm into your life.

    When you need divine support, touch the Ixia Matrix and breathe your intentions into it.

    The magical power of the Ixia Matrix is that it attracts vibrationally aligned people and situations into your field like a magnet.

    It connects you with your Spirit Guides to ensure you feel held and supported by the Universe at every moment. Because you are.


    Be one of the few who will enrich their lives with this exclusive piece of jewelry.


    Recognize your preciousness and treat yourself to IXIA luxury jewelry.


    Your IXIA Medallion will be hand-crafted especially for you, in Slovenia.

    Upon ordering the Gold Medallion with Diamonds, a medallion will be made for you. If you wish to order a gold necklace in addition to the medallion, select this option above when ordering.

    Place your pre-order as soon as possible. The first orders go into production on March 24, 2025.

    You can order the product no later than April 22, 2025.

    The number of pieces produced is limited.

    Luksuzni nakit IXIA  – Zlat medaljon z diamanti

    v tvoje življenje prinaša aktivacijo svetlobnih kod voditeljstva in polno moč manifestacije.


    Zlat medaljon IXIA je izdelan iz visoko kvalitetnega zlata, čigar vibracija v tvoje življenje prinaša neskončen pretok bogastva in aktivira tvojo polno moč utelesitve.

    Zlat medaljon IXIA krasi 24 dragocenih diamantov, ki v tvoje življenje sidrajo svetlobo tvoje jedrne zvezde in povečajo tvojo moč manifestacije vsega, kar izbereš v tem življenju doživeti.

    Relief zlatega medaljona IXIA predstavlja strukturo planeta Zemlja in prizemljuje vse tvoje vizije na ta Planet.

    Na zlatem medaljonu IXIA se nahaja tudi kristal apatit, ki povezuje vse tvoje dimenzije obstoja in ti omogoča preskok zavesti v novo časovnico tvojega življenja.


    V središču zlatega medaljona IXIA se nahaja matrica Ixia, ki na planet Zemlja sidra neskončen pretok zavesti, dviguje vibracijo in opolnomoča voditelje tega sveta.


    Simbol ustvarja popolno vibracijsko poravnavo vseh tvojih sedmih teles in aktivacijo svetlobnih kod v tvoje življenje.

    Aktivira močan preskok tvoje zavesti in te postavlja v tvoj center osebne moči in brezpogojne ljubezni.

    Spominja te, da tvoja vibracija ustvarja tvojo situacijo.

    V tvoje življenje prinaša neskončen pretok ljubezni, vitalnosti in obilja ter aktivira svetlobni del tvoje DNK vijačnice.

    Nakit s simbolom Ixia te vabi, da s predanostjo svoji duhovni praksi poslušanja kanaliziranih meditacij in integracije kanalizirane jasnosti iz celestiala, dviguješ svoje zavedanje in zase manifestiraš najboljše življenje.

    Ko potrebuješ božansko podporo, se dotakni matrice Ixia in ji vdahni svoje namere.

    Čarobna moč matrice Ixia je, da v tvoje polje kot magnet privlači vibracijsko skladne ljudi in situacije.

    Povezuje te s tvojim duhovnim vodstvom, da imaš v vsakem trenutku občutek, da te vesolje drži. Ker te.


    Bodi eden redkih, ki si bodo svoje življenje obogatili s tem ekskluzivnim kosom nakita.


    Prepoznaj svojo dragocenost in si podari luksuzni nakit IXIA.


    Tvoj medaljon IXIA bo ročno izdelan posebej zate, v Sloveniji.

    Ob naročilu zlatega medaljona z diamanti, se zate izdela medaljon. V kolikor želiš naročiti poleg medaljona še zlato ogrlico, izberi to možnost zgoraj, pri naročilu.

    Oddaj svoje prednaročilo čimprej. Prva naročila gredo v izdelavo 24.3.2025.

    Izdelek lahko naročiš najkasneje do 22. aprila 2025.

    Število izdelanih kosov je omejeno.


    Gold Medallion with Diamonds:


    Yellow gold: 585/000 (14ct.)

    24x diamond/brilliant: 0.005 ct. – E, vs1, lab. grown

    Apatite: fi 2.5 mm

    Diameter of the IXIA gold medallion with diamonds: 2.4 cm


    Jewelry care and maintenance


    How should jewelry be taken care of to maintain its eternal sparkle?

    Silver and gold lose their shine over time due to contact with skin, cosmetics, moisture, and air. To maintain their luster, they must be cleaned regularly in an appropriate way.


    Cleaning silver jewelry

    Silver darkens over time due to oxidation. A simple cleaning method is to wash it in warm water with mild soap, then wipe it with a soft cloth. Remove stubborn stains with baking soda or toothpaste – gently rub the jewelry and rinse. Special cleaning cloths and liquids are also available to restore shine to silver.


    Cleaning gold jewelry

    Gold is less sensitive than silver, but can get greasy and lose its shine over time. The easiest way to clean it is in warm soapy water or water with a few drops of gentle detergent. For extra polishing, you can use a soft polishing cloth.


    Professional jewelry cleaning

    Although jewelry can be cleaned at home, it is advisable to visit a jeweler at least once a year. Professional cleaning removes stubborn stains and scratches and restores shine. In addition, the jeweler can inspect and repair any damage to your piece of jewelry.

    When cleaning jewelry, avoid rough cloths, strong chemicals and sharp objects that could damage the metal.


    Zlat medaljon z diamanti: 


    Rumeno zlato: 585/000 (14ct.)

    24x diamant/briljant: 0,005 ct. – E, vs1, lab. grown

    Apatit: fi 2,5 mm

    Premer Zlatega medaljona z diamanti IXIA: 2,4 cm


    Skrb za nakit


    Kako negovati nakit, da bo imel večen sijaj?

     Srebro in zlato sčasoma izgubita sijaj zaradi stika s kožo, kozmetike, vlage in zraka. Da bi ohranila svoj lesk, ju je treba redno čistiti na primeren način.


    Čiščenje srebra

    Srebro sčasoma potemni zaradi oksidacije. Preprosta metoda čiščenja je umivanje v topli vodi z blagim milom, nato ga obrišemo z mehko krpo. Trdovratne madeže odstranimo s sodo bikarbono ali zobno pasto – nakit rahlo podrgnemo in speremo. Na voljo so tudi posebne čistilne krpice in tekočine, ki srebru povrnejo sijaj.


    Čiščenje zlata

    Zlato je manj občutljivo, a se lahko sčasoma zamasti in izgubi lesk. Najlažje ga očistimo v topli milnici ali vodi z nekaj kapljicami detergenta. Za dodatno poliranje lahko uporabimo mehko krpo.


    Profesionalno čiščenje nakita

    Čeprav lahko nakit očistimo doma, je priporočljivo vsaj enkrat letno obiskati zlatarja. Strokovno čiščenje odstrani trdovratne madeže, praske in obnovi sijaj. Poleg tega zlatar pregleda in popravi morebitne poškodbe na vašem kosu nakita.

    Pri čiščenju nakita se izogibamo grobim krpam, močnim kemikalijam in ostrim predmetom, ki bi lahko poškodovali kovino.


    What material is the Ixia Gold Medallion with Diamonds made of:

    The Gold Medallion with Diamonds is made of high-quality yellow gold (585/000 (14ct.)), and is adorned with 24 brilliant diamonds/brilliants (0.005 ct. – E, vs1, lab. grown) and an apatite crystal, 2.5 mm in diameter. The Gold Medallion with Diamonds is 2.4 cm in diameter.


    Does the purchase of the Gold Medallion with Diamonds include a gold necklace?

    When purchasing the Gold Medallion with Diamonds, you can choose to add a gold necklace (with a length of 45cm) to your order in the online store.


    How is the Gold Medallion with Diamonds made?

    The Gold Medallion with Diamonds is entirely handmade, especially for you. After your order, the goldsmith will make the medallion in their workshop in Slovenia.


    How soon will I receive the ordered Gold Medallion with Diamonds?

    Within 3 days after placing your order and confirming it with payment, you will receive information on when you will receive the product. As all Gold Medallions with Diamonds are handmade, you will receive yours no later than 45 days from the purchase.


    Until when can I order the Gold Medallion with Diamonds?

    The IXIA luxury jewelry – the Gold Medallion with Diamonds can be ordered until April 22, 2025. Treat yourself to the exclusive edition of this exceptional piece of jewelry as soon as possible, so that you are among the first for whom the Gold Medallion with Diamonds will be crafted. We place the first orders with the goldsmith on March 24, 2025.


    Can I receive an invoice per company?

    Of course! During the ordering process, enter your company details and an invoice will be generated per the legal entity. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us at payment@tjasadorelay.com.

    Iz kakšnega materiala je izdelan Zlat medaljon z diamanti IXIA?

    Zlat medaljon z diamanti je izdelan iz rumenega zlata, visoke kakovosti ( 585/000 (14ct.)), krasi pa ga kar 24 sijočih diamantov/briljantov (0,005 ct. – E, vs1, lab. grown) ter kristal apatit, premera 2,5 mm. Zlat medaljon z diamanti je premera 2,4cm.


    Ali ob nakupu Zlatega medaljona z diamanti prejmem tudi zlato ogrlico?

    Ob nakupu Zlatega medaljona z diamanti, si v spletni trgovini izbereš, ali želiš v svoje naročilo dodati tudi zlato ogrlico, dolžine 45cm.


    Kako je izdelan Zlat medaljon z diamanti?

    Zlat medaljon z diamanti je v celoti ročno izdelan, posebej zate. Zlatar bo, po tvojem naročilu, izdelal medaljon, v svoji zlatarski delavnici, v Sloveniji.


    Kdaj prejmem naročeni Zlat medaljon z diamanti?

    Ko oddaš svoje naročilo in ga potrdiš s plačilom, boš v roku 3 delovnih dni prejel informacijo, kdaj bo naročen izdelek pri tebi. Ker so vsi Zlati medaljoni z diamanti ročno izdelani, boš svojega prejel, najkasneje v 45 dneh od nakupa.


    Do kdaj lahko naročim Zlat medaljon z diamanti? 

    Luksuzni nakit IXIA – Zlat medaljon z diamanti je mogoče naročiti do 22. aprila 2025. Podari si ta izjemen kos nakita v ekskluzivni izdaji čim prej, da boš med prvimi, za katere se bo Zlat medaljon z diamanti izdelal. Prva naročila zlatarju oddajamo 24. marca 2025. 


    Ali lahko prejmem račun na podjetje? 

    Seveda! V postopku naročila, vpiši podatke podjetja in se bo generiral račun na pravno osebo. V kolikor imaš v zvezi s tem kakšno vprašanje, nam piši na payment@tjasadorelay.com.


    Give yourself the experience
    of the Celestial Realm.

    Leave your email and expand your consciousness with me.

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