🇬🇧 Do you want to find out what is happening with my brain during Celestial Channeling? Come join me at the live premiere of CELESTIAL CHANNELING documentary on 20 March 2025 where you find out exactly that! This is a one time event only. Limited seats available. An on-line premiere of the documentary will be held on 21 March.  Choose your preffered ticket below.  🇸🇮 Te zanima, kaj se dogaja z mojimi možgani med kanaliziranjem? Pridruži se mi na premieri dokumentarnega filma CELESTIAL CHANNELING, 20. marca 2025 na Bledu, kjer izveš prav to!  To je enkratni dogodek. Število sedežev je omejeno.  Spletna premiera filma CELESTIAL CHANNELING bo 21. marca 2025. Izberi svojo želeno vstopnico spodaj.       



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    Vedno me je zanimalo, kaj se dogaja z mojimi možgani, medtem ko kanaliziram.


    Ko sidram jasnost iz celestiala, občutim močan preskok zavesti in vibracije.

    Težko je ubesediti moje doživljanje ob vstopu v kanal. Občutek je, kot da preneham obstajati in zavest, ki je višja od mene, napolni prostor.

    Želela sem vedeti, kaj točno se zgodi v mojih možganih, ko vstopim v proces kanaliziranja.

    Zato smo izvedli obsežno raziskavo, da to raziščemo.

    Odločili smo se, da celoten proces posnamemo in ustvarimo dokumentarni film ter ga podelimo s svetom.

    Brez, da bi vedela, kaj bomo odkrili, sem se predala iskanju resnice.


    OMG, kar smo odkrili je osupljivo!


    In ti si med prvimi, ki imaš priložnost, da si ogledaš dokumentarni film CELESTIAL CHANNELING ter vstopiš v moj intimni svet medijstva.


    Premiera v živo

    CELESTIAL CHANNELING dokumentarni film

    20. marec 2025 ob 17h

    Festivalna dvorana Bled

    To je enkratni dogodek. Število sedežev je omejeno. Zagotovi si svojo vstopnico zdaj!


    O premieri: 

    • Premiera bo potekala 20. marca 2025 od 17h do 22h v Festivalni dvorani Bled
    • Dokumentarni film je v angleškem jeziku, s slovenskimi podnapisi
    • Dogodek bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku



    • 17h – 18h Gala sprejem na turkizni preprogi
    • 18h – 19h Premiera filma CELESTIAL CHANNELING
    • 19h – 20h Intervju v živo s Tjašo Dorelay in Jeffom Tarrantom
    • 20h – 22h Meet & greet s Tjašo Dorelay in zabava z DJ-jem
    • + presenečenje! Lansiranje novega, luksuznega izdelka v omejeni izdaji! 


    Zagotovi si svojo vstopnico zdaj!


    Ob nakupu vstopnice za premiero filma v živo, prejmeš dostop tudi do spletnega ogleda filma, ki bo na voljo od 21. marca dalje, da si ga lahko ponovno ogledaš!

    Posebno presenečenje zate 🤩 podarjam ti dostop dostop do vseh kanaliziranih sporočil, ki sem jih posnela v času delanja raziskav. Izjemne jasnosti čakajo nate od 21. marca naprej.


    Na kakšen način si lahko ogledam premiero filma?

    Možnosti ogleda filma CELESTIAL CHANNELING sta dve. Premiera filma v živo, ki se bo odvila 20. marca 2025 na Bledu in spletna premiera ter ogled filma, ki bo na spletni strani www.tjasadorelay.com na voljo od 21. marca 2025 dalje.


     Premiera filma v živo



    Kje in kdaj poteka premiera filma CELESTIAL CHANNELING?

    Premiera poteka na Bledu, v Festivalni dvorani Bled, Cesta svobode 11, 4260 Bled, v četrtek, 20. marca 2025 od 17h do 22h.


    Kakšna je cena vstopnice za premiero v živo?

    Cena vstopnice za premiero v živo je 75 €.

    Cena vstopnice za spletni ogled filma (premiera 21. marec 2025) je 22 €. (Pomembne informacije o spletnem ogledu filma so pod naslovom Ogled filma preko spleta).


    Kaj vključuje cena vstopnice za premiero v živo?

    Cena vstopnice za premiero v živo vključuje:


    • Ogled premiere filma CELESTIAL CHANNELING v živo, na Bledu, 20. marca.
    • Spremljevalni program (gala sprejem, zabava + posebno presenečenje).
    • On-line dostop do filma, ki si ga lahko, kadarkoli (do 10.6.2025) ogledaš ponovno.
    • Dostop do vseh kanaliziranih sporočil, ki smo jih posneli v fazi raziskave, bodo na voljo v spletni učilnici.


    Kako lahko izvedem plačilo?

    Plačilo lahko izvedeš s plačilno/kreditno kartico v spletni trgovini ali z nakazilom na naš TRR. V primeru, da izbereš plačilo na TRR, ti bomo poslali elektronsko sporočilo s podatki za nakazilo. Vabimo te, da svoje plačilo preko TRR-ja izvedeš v 24 urah od oddaje naročila in si zagotoviš svojo vstopnico.


    Do kdaj si lahko zagotovim svojo vstopnico?

    Število mest na premieri je omejeno. Svojo vstopnico si lahko zagotoviš od 13. do 19. marca 2025, oziroma do zapolnitve mest, v spletni trgovini na spletni strani www.tjasadorelay.com. Pričakujemo, da bo dogodek razprodan v kratkem času, zato si zagotovi svojo vstopnico pravočasno.


    Kako bom prejel svojo vstopnico?

    Svojo vstopnico za premiero filma CELESTIAL CHANNELING boš najkasneje v 3 delovnih dneh po prejemu plačila, v digitalni obliki, prejel na elektronski naslov, s katerim si oddal svoje naročilo. V kolikor si kupil več vstopnic, boš prejel vse vstopnice v enem elektronskem sporočilu.


    Ali lahko prekličem naročilo?

    Svoje naročilo lahko prekličeš v fazi pred prejemom vstopnice. Ko prejmeš vstopnico na svoj elektronski naslov, preklic naročila ni več mogoč.


    Ali moram vstopnico, pred prihodom na Bled, natisniti?

    Ob vstopu v dvorano pokažeš svojo vstopnico v digitalni obliki, da skeniramo kodo, ki je na njej. Tiskanje vstopnice ni potrebno. Moraš pa zagotoviti, da bo koda na vstopnici dobro vidna. Vstop v dvorano brez vstopnice ni mogoč.


    Ali lahko izberem svoje sedeže?

    V dvorani je predviden sedežni red. Vstopnice bomo pošiljali po vrstnem redu prejetih in plačanih naročil. Oddaj svoje naročilo čimprej in si zagotovi najboljše sedeže 🙂


    Ali lahko spremenim dodeljeni sedež, če mi ne bo všeč?

    Menjava sedežev ni mogoča. Vidljivost je iz cele dvorane odlična, tako da, ne glede na mesto, kjer boš sedel, bo tvoja izkušnja ogleda filma in spremljanja dogodka, izjemna!


    Ali lahko prejmem račun na podjetje?

    Seveda. Če želiš, da račun izdamo na podjetje, izberi to možnost ob prijavi oziroma oddaji naročila v spletni trgovini. Poskrbi, da pravilno vpišeš vse podatke o podjetju, ki se zahtevajo v spletni trgovini (predvsem polno firmo, kot na primer Oralie, storitve, d.o.o.). Če potrebuješ dodatne informacije, nas kontaktiraj na payment@tjasadorelay.com in z veseljem bomo odgovorili na vsa tvoja vprašanja.




    Kako bo potekal dogodek?

    Zate imamo pripravljen izjemen program premiere dokumentarnega filma!

    Pripravljamo »cel žur« ob predvajanju filma.


    Program premiere:

    • 17h – 17.30h Gala sprejem na turkizni preprogi
    • 18h – 19h Premiera filma CELESTIAL CHANNELING
    • 19h – 20h Intervju v živo s Tjašo Dorelay in Jeffom Tarrantom
    • 20h – 22h Meet & greet s Tjašo Dorelay in zabava z DJ-jem


    Kdaj moram biti na lokaciji?

     Glede na veliko število udeležencev, te spodbujamo, da si na lokaciji vsaj 30 minut pred začetkom dogajanja – torej ob 16.30 uri.


    V katerem jeziku poteka dogodek?

    Dogodek bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku. Za intervju z znanstvenikom, smo pridobili tolmačko, ki bo tolmačila del intervjuja z Jeffom Tarrantom, ki prihaja iz Združenih držav Amerike.


    V katerem jeziku je film CELESTIAL CHANNELING?

    Dokumentarni film CELESTIAL CHANNELING je v angleškem jeziku, s slovenskimi podnapisi.




    Ali se dogodek snema in fotografira?

    Celoten dogodek se bo avdio in video snemal in fotografiral. Z udeležbo na dogodku se strinjaš, da se tvoja podoba, obris, glas ali podobno prikaže na fotografiji in/videu ali televiziji, ki se lahko objavi na socialnih omrežjih in drugih spletnih platformah, na katerih smo kot podjetje prisotni.


    Kje na Bledu lahko parkiram?

    Parkirati je mogoče na številnih javnih parkiriščih. Bodi na Bledu pravočasno, da si zagotoviš svoje parkirno mesto.


    Ogled filma preko spleta


    Kdaj bo na voljo film CELESTIAL CHANNELING za ogled preko spleta?

    Spletna premiera filma CELESTIAL CHANNELING bo 21. marca 2025 ob 18h.


    Ali si lahko film ogledam tudi kasneje?

    Seveda. Film si lahko ogledaš kadarkoli želiš, v svojem času.

    Dostop do filma imaš omogočen do 10. junija 2025.


    Kakšna je cena za ogled filma preko spleta?

    Cena vstopnice za ogled filma preko spleta je 22€.


    Kaj vse je zajeto v ceno vstopnice?

    Cena vstopnice zajema:

    • Neomejen ogled filma preko spleta, od 21. marca 2025 (od 18. ure dalje) do 10. junija 2025.
    • Dostop do vseh kanaliziranih sporočil, ki smo jih posneli v času trajanja raziskave.


    Kako lahko izvedem plačilo?

    Plačilo lahko izvedeš s plačilno/kreditno kartico v spletni trgovini ali z nakazilom na naš TRR. V primeru, da izbereš plačilo na TRR, ti bomo poslali elektronsko sporočilo s podatki za nakazilo. Vabimo te, da spoštuješ plačilne roke in plačilo izvedeš pravočasno.


    Do kdaj si lahko zagotovim svojo vstopnico?

    Svojo vstopnico si lahko zagotoviš kadarkoli, do 10. junija 2025, v spletni trgovini na spletni strani www.tjasadorelay.com.


    Kako in kdaj bom prejel dostop do filma?

    Dostop do spletne učilnice, v kateri bo naložen film CELESTIAL CHANNELING dobiš najkasneje v 3 delovnih dneh od prejema tvojega plačila. Spletna premiera filma je 21. marca ob 18. uri. Do takrat bo v spletni učilnici naložen napovednik filma.


    Ob prejemu tvojega plačila, ti pošljemo elektronsko sporočilo, v katerem prejmeš povezavo do spletne učilnice, na spletni strani www.tjasadorelay.com.


    Ali lahko prekličem naročilo?

    Svoje naročilo lahko prekličeš v fazi pred prejemom dostopa do spletne učilnice. Ko prejmeš dostop do spletne učilnice, v katero je že naložen film, na svoj elektronski naslov, preklic naročila ni več mogoč.


    Ali lahko prejmem račun na podjetje?

    Seveda. Če želiš, da račun izdamo na podjetje, izberi to možnost ob prijavi oziroma oddaji naročila v spletni trgovini. Poskrbi, da pravilno vpišeš vse podatke o podjetju, ki se zahtevajo v spletni trgovini (predvsem polno firmo, kot na primer Oralie, storitve, d.o.o.). Če potrebuješ dodatne informacije, nas kontaktiraj na payment@tjasadorelay.com in z veseljem bomo odgovorili na vsa tvoja vprašanja.

    I have always been curious to find out what is happening with my brain when I’m Channeling.


    I feel a powerful shift of consciousness happening when I anchor the clarity from the celestial realm as well as an instant shift of vibration.

    It’s hard to find the words to describe what I feel when I enter the Channel. It’s like I stop existing and a consciousness that is higher than me takes up the space.

    I wanted to know what actually happens inside my brain when I enter this state of being.

    This is why we conducted an extensive research to investigate that.

    We decided to film the whole process and make a documentary to share it with the World.

    Without knowing what we’ll find out I surrendered to finding the truth.


    And, OMG, what we found out is mindblowing!


    You are the first to get the opportunity to watch the CELESTIAL CHANNELING documentary and enter my intimate world of mediumship.

    Live premiere of the


    20 March 2025 at 5pm

    Festivalna dvorana Bled

    This is a one time event only. Limited seats available. Get your tickets now.

    On-line premiere


    will be held on

    21 March 2025 at 6pm CET

    at www.tjasadorelay.com

    Don’t worry if you can’t join us for the streaming. When you get your ticket you can watch the documentary on your own time.


    Extra bonus for you 🤩 When you watch the documentary online, you get access to the audio of a channeling session that I have channeled during the research.


    Get your preferred tickets now!

    How can I watch the premiere of the film?

    There are two options for viewing the film CELESTIAL CHANNELING: The live premiere, which will take place on March 20, 2025, in Bled, and the online premiere, which will be available on the website www.tjasadorelay.com starting March 21, 2025.

    Live Film Premiere



    Where and when is the CELESTIAL CHANNELING premiere taking place?

    The premiere will be held in Bled, at the Festival Hall Bled, Cesta svobode 11, 4260 Bled, on Thursday, March 20, 2025, from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

    What is the ticket price for the live premiere?

    The ticket price for the live premiere is €75.
    The ticket price for the online film viewing (premiere March 21, 2025) is €22. (Important information about online viewing is under the heading “Watching the film online”).

    What is included in the live premiere ticket price?

    The live premiere ticket includes:

    • Watching the CELESTIAL CHANNELING premiere live, in Bled, on March 20.
    • A supporting program (gala reception, party + special surprise).
    • Online access to the film, which you can watch again anytime (until June 10, 2025).
    • Access to all channeled messages recorded during the research phase, available in the online classroom.

    How can I make a payment?

    You can make the payment using a credit/debit card in the online store or by bank transfer to our account. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, we will send you an email with payment details. We encourage you to make the transfer within 24 hours of placing your order to secure your ticket.

    Until when can I secure my ticket?

    The number of seats at the premiere is limited. You can secure your ticket from March 20 to March 19, 2025, or until all tickets are sold out, through the online store on the website www.tjasadorelay.com. We expect the event to sell out quickly, so make sure to secure your ticket on time.

    How will I receive my ticket?

    You will receive your CELESTIAL CHANNELING premiere ticket in digital form to the email address you provided when placing your order, no later than 3 working days after payment is received. If you purchased multiple tickets, all tickets will be sent in one email.

    Can I cancel my order?

    You can cancel your order before receiving the ticket. Once you receive your ticket, cancellations are no longer possible.

    Do I need to print my ticket before coming to Bled?

    Upon entry to the hall, show your ticket in digital form so we can scan the code. Printing the ticket is not necessary. However, make sure the code on the ticket is clearly visible. Entry without a ticket is not allowed.

    Can I choose my seat?

    The hall has a designated seating plan. Tickets will be sent in the order in which orders and payments are received. Place your order as soon as possible to get the best seats! 🙂

    Can I change my assigned seat if I don’t like it?

    Seat changes are not possible. The visibility is excellent from all seats, so no matter where you sit, your experience of watching the film and the event will be amazing!

    Can I receive the invoice on behalf of a company?

    Of course. If you would like the invoice to be issued to a company, choose that option when registering or placing your order in the online store. Be sure to enter the correct company details required in the store (especially the full company name, e.g., Oralie, services, d.o.o.). If you need additional information, contact us at payment@tjasadorelay.com, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.


    How will the event proceed?

    We have prepared an amazing premiere program for the documentary film!
    We are organizing a full party during the film screening.

    Program of the premiere:

    • 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Gala reception on the turquoise carpet
    • 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Premiere of the CELESTIAL CHANNELING film
    • 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Live interview with Tjaša Dorelay and Jeff Tarrant
    • 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM: Meet & greet with Tjaša Dorelay and party with a DJ

    When should I be at the venue?

    Due to the large number of participants, we encourage you to arrive at least 30 minutes before the event starts – at 4:30 PM.

    In which language will the event take place?

    The event will be in Slovenian. For the interview with the scientist, we have arranged an interpreter who will translate part of the interview with Jeff Tarrant, who comes from the United States.

    In which language is the film CELESTIAL CHANNELING?

    The documentary film CELESTIAL CHANNELING is in English, with Slovenian subtitles.


    Is the event being filmed and photographed?

    The entire event will be audio and video recorded and photographed. By participating in the event, you agree that your image, silhouette, voice, or likeness may be shown in photos and/or videos or television, which may be published on social media and other online platforms where we, as a company, are present.

    Where can I park in Bled?
    There are numerous public parking spaces. Arrive early to secure your parking spot.

    Watching the Film Online

    When will the film CELESTIAL CHANNELING be available to watch online?
    The online premiere of the film CELESTIAL CHANNELING will be on March 21, 2025, at 6:00 PM.

    Can I watch the film later?

    Yes, you can watch the film anytime you want, at your convenience.
    You will have access to the film until June 10, 2025.

    What is the price for watching the film online?

    The ticket price for watching the film online is €22.

    What is included in the online ticket price?
    The ticket price includes:

    • Unlimited online viewing of the film from March 21, 2025 (from 6:00 PM onwards) until June 10, 2025.
    • Access to all channeled messages recorded during the research phase.
    • Additional surprises. 😉

    How can I make a payment?

    You can make the payment using a credit/debit card in the online store or by bank transfer to our account. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, we will send you an email with payment details. We encourage you to respect the payment deadlines and make the payment on time.

    Until when can I secure my ticket?

    You can secure your ticket anytime until June 10, 2025, through the online store on the website www.tjasadorelay.com.

    How and when will I receive access to the film?

    You will receive access to the online classroom, where the film CELESTIAL CHANNELING will be uploaded, no later than 3 working days after your payment is received. The online premiere of the film is on March 21 at 6:00 PM. A trailer will be uploaded to the online classroom until then.

    Upon receiving your payment, we will send you an email with a link to the online classroom on the website www.tjasadorelay.com.

    Can I cancel my order?

    You can cancel your order before receiving access to the online classroom. Once you receive access to the classroom, where the film has been uploaded, cancellation is no longer possible.

    Can I receive an invoice for a company?

    Of course. If you want the invoice to be issued to a company, choose that option when registering or placing your order in the online store. Make sure to enter the correct company details required in the store (especially the full company name, e.g., Oralie, services, d.o.o.). If you need additional information, contact us at payment@tjasadorelay.com, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.


    Za nakup vstopnice za premiero dokumentarnega filma Celestial Channeling (»Vstopnica«) veljajo Splošni pogoji poslovanja za Storitve (dogodek v živo), če v spodaj navedenih Posebnih pogodbenih pogojih ni določeno drugače.



    Premiera dokumentarnega filma Celestial Channeling bo četrtek, 20. 3. 2025 ob 17.00 v Festivalni dvorani na Bledu, Cesta svobode 11, Bled.

    Kupec Vstopnice ima med 21. 3. 2025 od 18.00 in 10. 6. 2025 dostop do posnetka dokumentarnega filma preko svojega uporabniškega računa na Spletni strani.

    Število mest na premieri dokumentarnega filma je omejeno. Nakup Vstopnic za ta dogodek je mogoč do razprodaje prostih mest.

    V primeru plačila z nakazilom na transakcijski račun Podjetja je treba plačilo izvesti isti dan, kot je izvedena Potrditev naročila. V primeru, da Podjetje niti naslednji delovni dan po Potrditvi naročila ne prejme Kupčevega nakazila na transakcijski račun, ima Podjetje pravico odstopiti od pogodbe. O odstopu od pogodbe Podjetje obvesti Kupca z elektronskim sporočilom. Po obvestilu o odstopu od pogodbe Podjetje ni dolžno Kupcu zagotoviti mesta na premieri dokumentarnega filma, Kupec pa ne plačati Vstopnice.

    Po prejemu plačila za vstopnico Podjetje izda Kupcu vstopnico v elektronski obliki, na kateri je navedena številka sedeža, in jo pošlje Kupcu. Po prejemu elektronske Vstopnice Kupec ne more odstopiti od pogodbe.



    Za nakup posnetka dokumentarnega filma Celestial Channeling se smiselno uporabljajo določbe Splošnih pogojev poslovanja za digitalno vsebino, če v spodaj navedenih Posebnih pogodbenih pogojih ni določeno drugače.



    Posnetek dokumentarnega filma Celestial Channeling je preko uporabniškega računa na Spletni strani dostopen v obdobju med 21. 3. 2025 ob 18.00 in 10. 6. 2025.


    The purchase of a ticket for the Celestial Channeling documentary film premiere (»Ticket«) is subject to the Terms & Conditions for Services (live event), unless otherwise specified in the Special Contractual Terms below.



    The Celestial Channeling documentary film premiere will take place on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 5:00 PM in the Festival Hall (Festivalna dvorana) in Bled, Cesta svobode 11, Bled.

    The Ticket Buyer shall have access to the recording of the documentary film via their user account on the Website between March 21, 2025, at 6:00 PM and June 10, 2025.

    The number of seats at the documentary film premiere is limited. The purchase of
    Tickets for this event is possible until all seats are sold out.

    In the case of payment to the Company’s bank account, payment must be made on the same day the Order confirmation is issued. If the Company does not receive the Buyer’s payment to the Company’s bank account by the next business day following the Order confirmation, the Company shall have the right to terminate the contract. The Company shall notify the Buyer of the termination by e-mail. Following the notice of termination, the Company shall not be obligated to provide the Buyer with a seat at the documentary film premiere and accordingly the Buyer shall not be obligated to pay for the Ticket.

    Upon receipt of payment for the Ticket, the Company shall issue the Buyer an electronic ticket indicating the seat number and send it to the Buyer. Once the e-Ticket has been received, the Buyer may not withdraw from the contract.


    The purchase of the Celestial Channeling documentary film recording is subject to the Terms & Conditions for digital content, unless otherwise specified in the Special Contractual Terms below.



    The Recording of Celestial Channeling documentary film shall be available via the user account on the Website from March 21, 2025, at 6:00 PM until June 10, 2025.

    Give yourself the experience
    of the Celestial Realm.

    Leave your email and expand your consciousness with me.

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